Svátek Dračích Lodí / Dragon Boat Festival 2013

Letošní oslavy Svátku Dračích Lodí se velmi povedly. Večeře, která byla tentokrát v jídelně, nikoliv pod širým nebem byla chutná a vydatná. Bylo také co pít a bylo toho dost pro všechny. Vystoupení byla vydařená a bylo jich požehnaně. Podívejte se na pár fotografií ze života kungfu školy ...



This year celebration of The Dragon Boat Festival was succesful. The Dinner was unusually in the dining room, but was also very tasty and nobody remained hungry. There was also a lot to drink for all of us. Performences were very nice, funny and also beautiful. This time we also had alot of performances of many kinds. Enjoy pictures from this event as a part of the kungfu life ...